I want to open windows sapi train window in my application.
I find this process's file path is "C:\Windows\System32\Speech\SpeechUX\SpeechUXWiz.exe".But when i attempt to open it by dobule click,it faild.I try to open this file in my application by process.start() method will be faild too.
Is there someone know how to open it? Is there a interface to do that in sapi? Thank you!
My system is windows7 x64.
Don't start the process directly; the details of the command line are version-dependent (and, in fact, the process itself may change from version to version).
You can start training (in C#) using speechlib (the SAPI IDispatch-compatible API). Look at ISpeechRecognizer::DisplayUI.
To use SpeechLib, add
to your code, and add a reference (via Project/Add Reference/COM) to the
Microsoft Speech Object Library
to your project.Then, to start training, you would have some code that looks like this: