I am trying to implement Oauth2 based web service. I have clientID, clientSecret, Authorization endpoint, Token endpoint and callback Url(custom schema points to an android native page). When I checked other Oauth2 based APIs, it has login Url and it will be redirected to a login web page. But in my case there is not Login URL, but it should be redirected to a native login page and on success response it should be redirected to logged in native page. How to get the access token using Oauth2? Any help will be appreciated.
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From the comments above, let's assume you have already had ASP.NET WebAPI as server-side app, and if your Android client app uses
, you can refer to the following sample code (of course, you will need to modify more to make it works as your requirement):UPDATE:
If you prefer OkHttp, please refer to the following working code:
Hope this helps!
You can use this library from GitHub.