I want textbox validation for allowing only one .
value and only numbers. Means my textbox value should take only numerics and one .
value. Value should be like 123.50.
I am using a code for adding .oo
or .50
value at end of my value.
My code is
double x;
double.TryParse(tb.Text, out x);
tb.Text = x.ToString(".00");
It is taking all the keys from keyboard, but I want to take only numbers and one .
Add a Control.KeyPress event handler for your textbox.
You may do it through designer or in your constructor like this:
I have also added several checks to ensure, that you could insert digits not only in the end of the text, but in any position. Same with a dot. It controls that you have not more than 2 digits to the right from the dot. I've used TextBox.SelectionStart Property to get the position of the cursor in the textbox. Check this thread for more info about that: How do I find the position of a cursor in a text box?
Also try this short one
this example only allow one dot and backspace
Simplly in keyPress event of your textBox you could do this ...
My tested code
try this one