So I'm trying to convert a string to a number so I can add another number to it later. here is what I have to far in my .text for the conversion. num2Entered is what the user entered. Num1plusNum2 is the label that I will eventually add to. They are both declared in the .bss section. Any help would be appreciated!
mov ax, [num2Entered + 0]
sub ax, '0'
mov bx, WORD 1000
mul bx
mov [Num1plusNum2], ax
mov ax, [num2Entered + 1]
sub ax, '0'
mov bx, WORD 100
mul bx
add [Num1plusNum2], ax
mov ax, [num2Entered + 2]
sub ax, '0'
mov bx, WORD 10
mul bx
add [Num1plusNum2], ax
mov ax, [num2Entered + 3]
sub ax, '0'
add [Num1plusNum2], ax
Hope this will help.
Each character is only a single byte, but you probably want to add it to a larger result. Might as well go for 32 bits... (can hobble your routine to 16 bits if you really want to)
That's off the top of my head and may have errors, but "something like that". It'll stop at the end of a zero-terminated string, or a linefeed-terminated string... or any invalid character (which you may not want). Modify to suit.