I would like to implement a webservice with cxf to upload a file with some informations about it contained in the body.
What I've done but didn't work yet :
User addDocument(
@Multipart(value="metadata", type="application/json") DocMeta metadata,
@Multipart(value="inputstream", type="multipart/form-data") InputStream inputStream)
throws ObjectAlreadyExistsException;
When I try to request my service with curl it doesn't work :
curl http://localhost:9090/...
-F inputstream=@myFile.txt
Is it really possible to have both multipart data and a json body with cxf ??
Thanks by advance
Yes it's possible. But the problem is with your cURL request. You should add all parts as
. You are trying to send the JSON as a normal body. Attempting that I would get an error with cURL, it wouldn't even send out the request. Also you need to set the Content-Type for each part. For example(All on one line of course). Here's the resource method I used to test.
It was an image that I sent as a file.
Alternatively, you can get an
, which will give you more info on the file.