In [3]: pwd
Out[3]: u'/Users/aarcher/Desktop/scripts'
In [5]:['mkdir', '-p', os.path.expanduser('~/file/path/name')])
Out[5]: 0
I verified in another terminal that it had created /Users/aarcher/file/path/name successfully, but unable to change to that directory, even when it returns 0:
In [7]:['cd', os.path.expanduser('~/file/path/name')], shell=True)
Out[7]: 0
In [8]: pwd
Out[8]: u'/Users/aarcher/Desktop/scripts'
I am in unix box
creates a new process. The cd works in that process, but when the process exits it won't affect the current process. This is how processes are designed to work.If you need your script to change to a different directory you can use os.chdir which will change the directory for the current process.
for this task no a good idea to use suprocess. just use python os module try this::
if now any problem you face please let me know!