I'm trying to insert data from a form into a database using PHP and Mysqli but I can't get it working! My database has 4 fields: DATE, TITLE, CONTENT, ID. The ID field is auto-increment.
I've checked the connection and that's working fine. I've also echoed the form field values and the $blogDate variable I created, they're all fine too.
Here's my prepared statement:
if ($newBlog = $mysqli->prepare('INSERT INTO Blog VALUES ($blogDate, $_POST["bTitle"], $_POST["bContent"])')) {
It's just not inserting the values into my table.
Since you are aware about prepared statement:
You are generating SQL containing strings that are not quoted or escaped.
Don't insert the data directly into the SQL string, use placeholders (
) and then bind the parameters before executing.since you are using auto increment field you need to specify column name and then values try this code