I have some links in a page. I want to count the responses of each link and insert the numbers in front of the links. Here is what I have:
var links = document.evaluate('..../td[1]/font//a[@href]', document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
var headings = document.evaluate('.../td[1]',document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null)
for(var i = 0; i < links.snapshotLength; i++){
var urls = links.snapshotItem(i).href;
method: 'GET',
url: urls,
onload function (res){
var dt = document.implementation.createDocumentType("html",
"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN", "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd");
doc = document.implementation.createDocument('', '', dt);
html = doc.createElement('html');
html.innerHTML = res.responseText;
var responses = doc.evaluate('.../tr', doc, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
var nResponse = responses.snapshotLength - 1;
var numResponse = document.createElement('font');
numResponse.innerHTML =
'<b>' + nResponse +
'</b>' ;
headings.snapshotItem(i).parentNode.insertBefore(numResponse, headings.snapshotItem(i));
And I got the error message:
TypeError: headings.snapshotItem(...) is null
There are at least 3 problems:
's onload without a closure.links
, but trying to indexheadings
operates asynchronously. Which means by the timeonload
fires that the variablesi
will either be undefined or will be their ultimate value, not the loop value you want.To pass a value to
, use a closure. (In the code below,parseURL
provides the closure.)(2) The variable
is looping onlinks
, but the code is trying to use it to indexheadings
! It is very unlikely that there are the same number of each (and poor practice, even if there are). Is the "heading" always a parent of the link? If so use that.Putting it all together, use code like this: