I am currently working on a basic raytracing program using C, and i have managed to so some simple shapes ex, sphere/box/plane/cone/..., and i also did some shading to them using phong illumination.
But my question is that i can get a hang of how i can ray trace a Hemisphere , like is there a set equation that define the Hemisphere if so enlighten me on it because i couldn't find any , or is there a set method to do it that i couldn't figure out.
I have also tried to tried to cut the sphere with a plane and only show the only the top half but it didn't work (I am still new to all this so my understanding may be wrong).
Edit: Ok, I am sorry because i am really new to all this but here is what i have tryied.
#include "raytacing.h"
t_env *init_sphere(t_env *e)
//sphere position and radius
e->sph.posi.x = 0;
e->sph.posi.y = 0;
e->sph.posi.z = -1;
e->sph.rad = 0;
e->sph.color = (t_color){255, 255, 128);
return (e);
t_env *init_plane(t_env *e)
//plane position
e->plane.posi.x = 0;
e->olane.posi.y = -0.5;
e->plane.posi.z = 0;
//plane normal
e->plane.norm.x = 0;
e->olane.norm.y = 1;
e->plane.norm.z = 0;
e->plane.color = (t_color){0, 255, 0);
return (e);
double inter_plane(t_env *e, double *t) //calculating plane intersection
t_vect dist;
double norm;
norm = dot(e->plane.normal, e->r.direction);
if (fabs(norm) > 1e-6)
dist = vect_sub(e->plane.posi, e->r.start);
e->t0 = dot(dist, e->plane.normal) / norm;
if (e->t0 < *t && e->t0 > 1e-6)
*t = e->t0;
return (1);
return (0);
return (0);
double inter_sph(t_env *e, double *t) //calculating sphere intersection
double delta;
double sqrtd;
t_vect dist;
e->a = dot(e->r.direction, e->r.direction);
dist = vect_sub(e->r.start, e->sph.posi);
e->b = 2 * dot(dist, e->r.direction);
e->c = dot(dist, dist) - e->sph.rad * e->sph.rad;
delta = e->b * e->b - 4 * e->a * e->c;
if (delta < 0)
return (0);
sqrtd = sqrt(delta);
e->t0 = (-e->b + sqrtd) / (2 * e->a);
e->t1 = (-e->b - sqrtd) / (2 * e->a);
if (e->t0 > e->t1)
e->t0 = e->t1;
if ((e->t0 > 1e-6) && (e->t0 < *t))
*t = e->t0;
return (1);
return (0);
double inter_hemisphere(t_env *e) //calculating hemisphere intersection
t_vect hit_normal;
if (inter_sph(e, &e->t) == 1)
hit_normal = vect_add(e->r.start, vect_scalaire(e->t, e->r.direction));
hit_normal = vect_normalize(hit_normal);
if (inter_plane(e, &(e->t)) == 1)
if (dot(e->plane.normal, hit_normal) < 0)
return (1);
return (0);
return (0);
the e->t
is . supposed to be the closest distance to the camera so that i get an exact display of close and far objects
And here i tried to apply what Spektre
said and got some thing displayed and look like something like this:
And when i try to rotate it i get this:
Edit2 : After using Spektre
Method I got a functional Intersection of a Hemisphere and the intersection look something like this.
double inter_hemisphere(t_env *e, double *t)
double delta;
double sqrtd;
t_vect dist;
e->a = dot(e->r.direction, e->r.direction);
dist = vect_sub(e->r.start, e->sph.posi);
e->b = 2 * dot(dist, e->r.direction);
e->c = dot(dist, dist) - e->sph.rad * e->sph.rad;
delta = e->b * e->b - 4 * e->a * e->c;
if (delta < 0)
return (0);
sqrtd = sqrt(delta);
e->t0 = (-e->b + sqrtd) / (2 * e->a);
e->t1 = (-e->b - sqrtd) / (2 * e->a);
t_vect v2;
v2 = vect_add(e->r.start, vect_sub(vect_scalaire(e->t0, e->r.direction), e->sph.posi));
if (dot(e->plane.normal, v2) > 0.0)
e->t0 =-1.0;
v2 = vect_add(e->r.start, vect_sub(vect_scalaire(e->t1, e->r.direction), e->sph.posi));
if (dot(e->plane.normal, v2) > 0.0)
e->t1 =-1.0;
if (e->t0 < 0.0)
e->t0 = e->t1;
if (e->t1 < 0.0)
e->t1 = e->t0;
double tt;
tt = fmin(e->t0, e->t1);
if (tt <= 0.0)
tt = fmax(e->t0, e->t1);
if (tt > 1e-6 && tt < e->t)
*t = tt;
return (1);
return (0);
And here is the Result !!
The simplest way is to cut your sphere by a plane.
If you have plane normal than any direction (point on sphere - sphere center) with the same direction to normal is cut off. Simply by this condition:
But do not forget to test both intersections of ray and sphere as the closest one can be on the other side of plane ...
I tried to implement this into mine GLSL Ray tracer:
And come up with this updated fragment shaders:
Vertex (no change):
Fragment (added hemispheres):
The Vertex shader just creates the Ray position and direction which is interpolated by GPU and then Fragment shader handles each ray (per pixel).
I use this scene:
containing single yellow hemisphere at
(0.0, 0.0, 2.0)
with radiusr=0.5
and plane normal(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
. Rotation of the object can by done simply by rotating the plane normal.And this is preview:
As you can see hemisphere is working by just cutting with a plane ... The only important code from above for you is this (see the
comments):I used mine ray and ellipsoid intersection accuracy improvement as it returns both hits not just the first one.
If you cross check the spheres and hemispheres you will see I just added these two lines:
which just converts ray distances to hit positions and computing the condition mentioned above...