I have read many question on Stack Overflow related to my problem, but I don't think they quite address my problem. Basically I download a XML dataset with lots of data, and inserted that data into my MS Access database. What I want to do is convert the data so that some specific rows become columns.
Now I can probably do this manually in code before inserting the data to database, but that would require lots of time and change in code, so I'm wondering if its possible to do this with MS Access.
Here's how my table basically looks, and how I want to convert it.
The index is not so relevant in my case
[Table1] => [Table1_converted]
[Index] [Name] [Data] [NameID] [NameID] [AA] [BB] [CC] [DD]
1 AA 14 1 1 14 date1 64 61
2 BB(date) 42 1 2 15+19 date2 67+21 63+12
3 CC 64 1 3 9 10
4 DD 61 1 4 date4 1 87
5 AA 15 2
6 BB(date) 35 2
7 CC 67 2
8 DD 63 2
9 AA 9 3
10 CC 10 3
11 AA 19 2
12 BB(date) 20 2
13 CC 21 2
14 DD 12 2
15 BB(date) 83 4
16 CC 1 4
17 DD 87 4
Forgot to mention that, the Values under the column [Name] are not really AA BB CC. They are more complex then that. AA is actually like "01 - NameAA", without the quotation mark.
Forgot to mention one important element in my question, if the [Name] ex. AA with same [NameID] exists in table, then the [Data] should SUM up those two values. I have edited the tables, on the converted table i have written ex. 15+19 or 35+20 which only illustrates which values are summed up.
One more edit, hopefully the last. One of the [Name] BB has a Datetime type in [Data]. The NameID can be whichever, does not matter. So i need a query which does an exception on [Name] BB when its summing up, so that it does not sum it up like it does to every other [Name]s [Data]. Places where date is written multiple times for same [Name] and [NameID], it is always the same.
Try this...in sql query may be it is your answer
Result Set
To accomplish this in Access, all you need to do is
edit re: revised question
To handle some [Name]s differently we would need to assemble the results (
s, etc.) first, and then crosstab the resultsFor test data in [Table1]:
the query
I think you need to this
1) Take all your Table1 as it is in SQL Server
2) Then run following query