I'm working on a script for copying files in a folder which corresponds to the file's name and I have that part worked out using a FOR loop which checks to make sure the destination folder exists and copies the files once it has verified that it does. Example: 11-01111_ABC_DEF.pdf would go into /11/0111/. The length may vary by one or two characters but the format is consistent. I've copied my basic script below.
My problem is that sometimes a file with the same name needs to be processed. How could I go about concatenating a number to the end of the file if one or more copies of the file already exists in the destination folder?
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
for %%x in (*.PDF *.TXT) do (
set "source="C:\files"
set "dest=R:\"
set "filename=%%x"
set "prefix=!filename:~0,2!"
set "folder=!filename:~3,5!"
if not exist !dest!\!prefix!\!folder! MOVE !filename! !source!\failed
if exist !source!\!filename! MOVE !filename! !dest!\!prefix!\!folder!
put this in the folder with the .txts and .pdfs comment if you want me to change something.