Sorry if this is a dumb question, but it is possible to store, and retrieve, a HTML snippet within an xsl 1.0 variable? EG:
<xsl:variable name="something"><p>Hi there</p><p>How are you today?</p></xsl:variable>
<xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="$something"/>
It just when I try, it seems to strip the HTML tags out. Thanks.
You need to use
<xsl:copy-of select="$something"/>
instead ofxsl:value-of
.I'll add some explanation of what's happening :)
The reason you're not getting the html tags is that the $something variable contains a dom fragment, not a string: the value-of element extracts the content of the node(s) the same way as the string() function does, so does not serialize the nodes.
This would provide, instead, a string representation of the html string you have and you can then print it out with value-of and disable-output-escaping:
(see "The results are converted to a string, as by a call to the string() function")