I have written this Class as a start to build My Algorithm, but I can see Before word on console, but not After ! what is my mistake in using Dijkstra Algorithm of Boost ??
#include <myalgorithm.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
MyAlgorithm::MyAlgorithm()// Default constructor
MyAlgorithm::MyAlgorithm(graph_t AnyGraph, Vertex VSource){//}, Vertex VTarget){ // Parameters Constructor
MyGraph = AnyGraph;
vector<Vertex> p(num_vertices(AnyGraph));
vector<double> d(num_edges(AnyGraph));
dijkstra_shortest_paths(AnyGraph, VSource,
predecessor_map(boost::make_iterator_property_map(p.begin(), get(boost::vertex_index, AnyGraph))).
distance_map(boost::make_iterator_property_map(d.begin(), get(boost::vertex_index, AnyGraph))));
}// End of Parameters Constructor
MyAlgorithm::~MyAlgorithm(){ //Destructur
// Accessors
// function to call ShortPath
vector <Vertex> MyAlgorithm::getShortPath(){
return MyAlgorithm::ShortPath;
// function to call the Graph
graph_t MyAlgorithm::getGraph(){
return MyGraph;
// Mutators
//function to set short path Vector as whole
void MyAlgorithm::setShortPath(vector<Vertex> PathVector){
MyAlgorithm::ShortPath = PathVector;
//function to inject node to Short Path
void MyAlgorithm::setShortPath(Vertex MyNode){
// function to set a graph
void MyAlgorithm::setGraph(graph_t YourGraph){
MyGraph = YourGraph;
//function to reset short path
void MyAlgorithm::ResetShortPath(){
//function to Print Out Results
void MyAlgorithm::PrintOut(){
cout << "distances and parents:" << endl;
graph_traits < graph_t >::vertex_iterator vi, vend;
for (boost::tie(vi, vend) = vertices(MyAlgorithm::MyGraph); vi != vend; ++vi) {
vector<Vertex> p(num_vertices(MyAlgorithm::MyGraph));
vector<double> d(num_vertices(MyAlgorithm::MyGraph));
cout << "distance(" << *vi << ") = " << d[*vi] << ", ";
cout << "parent(" << *vi << ") = " << p[*vi] << endl;
} // End of Print Loop
}// end of Print Function
My Graph is defined as following :
typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS, directedS, property < vertex_name_t, idType >, property < edge_weight_t, double > > graph_t;
Where idType is unsigned long long int; but it didn't work, how I can Make it work ??
I don't see what the question is. Your code would simply compile, see Live On Coliru.
That said
you should make the distance-map to number of vertices instead of edges:
is supposed to be
To the added code in the question:
Like I said, you probably should not be copying quite so much. In particular, why does
own a copy ofAnyGraph
as a memberMyGraph
? It is never used by your own constructor...Similarly, the added code has the same problem, specifically with
vectors are simply created with default-initialized values every iteration through the loop. What did you expect to find?I can guess that you intended the result of
to be used there, but you never did anything to make that happen. At the very least it looks like you should have maded
member varlablesThe
member functions are never used. By extension, theShortPath
member is never properly set. It seems you are aware of this because you also don't attempt to use it inPrintOut
There is a conceptual problem with printing "The Shortest Path" as it obviously depends on the target vertex... I'd write a
accessor that calculates a specific path:Now you can add a print function for any path:
It also prints weights on every edge (you will see it matches the total distance)
Fixed Demo
Here's a version that fixes all of the above. I stopped generating random graphs as now the "test cases" make assumptions about which paths are reachable:
Live On Coliru