I have an excel file which has a time input.
Mar 01, 2018 | Thursday | 8:00 AM | 5:00 PM
Mar 02, 2018 | Friday | 8:00 AM | 5:00 PM
But when my code tries to read those cells, the output becomes a float (for example 8:00 AM
becomes 0.33333333333333
). This is my code
$date = $sheet->getCell("A".$row)->getValue();
$time_in = $sheet->getCell("C".$row)->getValue();
$time_out = $sheet->getCell("D".$row)->getValue();
echo "date: ".$date. //Mar 01, 2018
" time_in: ".$time_in. //becomes 0.333333333333333
" time_out: ".$time_out; //becomes 0.708333333333333
How can I make the output as is without the phpspreadsheet changing the value? I have tried looking at the phpspreadsheet documentation but I haven't found a solution.
Thankfully I have found the answer just now.
Hopefully, this could be useful for others.