I am trying to set the .SentOnBehalfOfName on every email I send through Outlook 2016. That is, whenever I hit New Mail, Reply, Reply All, or Forward.
I tried this:
Public WithEvents myItem As Outlook.MailItem
Private Sub Application_ItemLoad(ByVal Item As Object)
If (TypeOf Item Is MailItem) Then
Set myItem = Item
End If
End Sub
Private Sub FromField()
With myItem
.SentOnBehalfOfName = "example@aol.com"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub myItem_Open(Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub
Use the Application.ItemSend event instead.
In ThisOutlookSession
I have found my event code has to be reset by running startup at intervals. ItemSend may be more reliable.
When I run this code it does not call ItemSend again.
The SentOnBehalfOfName property makes sense only in case of Exchange profiles/accounts. Moreover, you need to have the required permissions to send on behalf of another person. See Issue with SentOnBehalfOfName for a similar discussion.
In case if you have multiple accounts configured in the profile you can use the SendUsingAccount property which allows to an Account object that represents the account under which the MailItem is to be sent.