i have an slider and for cube effect i use css3's perspective:xxx; But when my element get value of perspective it and child elements loose added them z-index values, so mi images appearing in bottom of other elements.
element.style {
-webkit-perspective: 1000px;
I have removed given value of element after effect and it bring z-index values back .. but with other reason i cant remove it. So what can i do to not let to perspective affect on z-indexes ?
Here is an example http://prognozplus.ru/144/ As you can see after first effect image loose the pointer cursor because other transparent elements covering it. Find class="huge_it_slide_bg" element and remove perspective style and pointer will appear again.
Since i was free. i made a cube effect maybe what you were looking for so take a look i am sure you will find code that can help you out in whatever else effect you are trying to get.