I need to differentiate that a selected file is created with Excel 2010 or Excel 2013 version of a selected Excel file and Excel application on server must match in order to continue.
I can get the server's Excel application version:
xApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
// getting version of Server's Excel Application
string versionName = xApp.Version;
int length = versionName.IndexOf('.');
versionName = versionName.Substring(0, length);
object missing = Type.Missing;
object trueObject = true;
xApp.Visible = false;
xApp.DisplayAlerts = false;
xWorkBook =
xApp.Workbooks.Open(ExcelFilePath, missing, trueObject,
missing, missing, missing,
missing, missing, missing,
missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing);
But how can I get the Excel version of opened Excel files?
In the current case, versionName
returns 14.0
, which is for Office 2010.
found a simple solution with OLE File Property Reader
this will return version of Application Version of excel file...
files you need to decode the "BIFF" value, from MSDN: How To Determine the Version of a Microsoft Excel Workbook:There's also some code in that article but I'm unsure how much I can lift from it without breaching copyright.
That format is used up to Excel 2002 according to a table at the bottom of that article.
As for
files, you can use any zip file library to open it, then open thedocProps\app.xml
file, and inside you'll find this:This will tell you the version of Excel that saved that particular file.
Also note that Excel will determine whether to use new storage loading or old storage loading depending on the contents of the file and not only on the extension, as such you can store an old-style file with a .xlsx extension and a new-style file with a .xls extension and Excel will still open it, and so should you. Excel will give a warning though, how you handle the discrepancy is up to you.
There is nothing wrong in code, you can have switch case to detect what version of file it is.