I have a web service where a user passes up a dynamic number of questions.
On the php side I am using explode with the ? to strip out each question. I then need to do a batch insert.
What I've done so far is as follows:
$checkInQs = explode("?", trim($_POST['checkInQs'], "?"));
$checkInSql = "INSERT INTO CheckListQs (ID, GeofenceID, type, question) VALUES ";
$checkInInsertQuery = array();
$checkInInsertData = array();
foreach($checkInQs as $q){
$checkInInsertQuery[] = "('',?, 1, ?)";
$checkInData[] = $geofenceID;
$checkInData[] = $q;
Based on another similar example, the following would be how to finish it off with pdo:
if (!empty($checkInInsertQuery)) {
$checkInSql .= implode(', ', $checkInInsertQuery);
$stmt = $db->prepare($checkInSql);
I'm not really sure how to bind the parameters in my case. I'm using procedural binding. I would usually bind parameters like so:
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "is", $geofenceID, $question);
I think the type part is as simple as:
$bindVar = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($checkInQs); $i++){
$bindVar .= "is";
But not I'm not sure how to manage passing in the rest of the data?
In the end, I chose to make use of transactions, commits and rollbacks to get my desired outcome: