Consider the following code:
java.util.Map<String, String> map = new java.util.HashMap<String, String>();
String key = "A";
String value = map.get(key) == null? "DEFAULT_VALUE" : map.get(key); // (1)
Would the compiler optimize the line (1)
something similar to:
String tmp = map.get(key);
String value = tmp == null? "DEFAULT_VALUE" : tmp;
(or to:
String value = map.get(key);
if(value == null) value = "DEFAULT_VALUE";
) ?
Not sure if you are asking which corresponds to what the compiler will make of the original expression, in which case the answer is:
In the example you are calling map.get() twice; the compiler can't know that there are no side effects, so it will call it twice when a value is found.
Probably closest to
Or if you are asking which alternative is most efficient, in which case the answer is:
The second alternative is probably slightly better because it does not require an additional local variable. An additional local variable imposes a slight overhead on the JVM, but it will probably amount to nothing at runtime once the JIT gets through with it.
one is preferable.Its more readable & self explained.
Additionally: execution time is not a big deal, at least here.
Your second option which is :
is better from first one reason:
You dont create an extra reference "tmp"
You dont execute else which you do as part of your ternary comparison.