I may just be attempting to combine too many "new-to-me" concepts at once, but I am trying to write a custom Angular directive using a TypeScript class. At the moment, I'm not trying to do anything terribly useful, just a POC.
I have a TypeScript file that looks like this:
module App {
'use strict';
export class appStepper {
public link:(scope:angular.IScope, element: angular.IAugmentedJQuery, attrs: angular.IAttributes) => void;
public template:string = '<div>0</div><button>-</button><button>+</button>';
public scope = {};
public restrict:string = 'EA';
constructor(){ }
public static Factory(){
var directive = () =>
{ return new appStepper(); };
return directive;
angular.module('app').directive('appStepper', App.appStepper.Factory());
It compiles to this in JavaScript:
(function(App) {
'use strict';
var appStepper = (function() {
function appStepper() {
this.template = '<div>0</div><button>-</button><button>+</button>';
this.scope = {};
this.restrict = 'EA';
appStepper.Factory = function() {
var directive = function() {
return new appStepper();
return directive;
return appStepper;
App.appStepper = appStepper;
angular.module('app').directive('appStepper', App.appStepper.Factory());
})(App || (App = {}));
My angular module looks like (I don't even know if I need to do this):
And I attempt to use it in my view:
<div app-stepper></div>
And get these errors:
Uncaught Error: [$injector:nomod]
Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]
Why doesn't my app
know about my directive?
Though it is not quite the same question, this answer included an example of what I'm attempting to do: How can I define my controller using TypeScript?
I followed the example in the Plnkr it referenced and found success: http://plnkr.co/edit/3XORgParE2v9d0OVg515?p=preview
My final TypeScript directive looks like: