Based on this post: How do you create a dropdownlist from an enum in ASP.NET MVC?
I want to do the exact same thing, except using the AttributeDescription field from my enum, for example:
[DescriptionAttribute("1 Star")] OneStar = 1,
[DescriptionAttribute("2 Stars")] TwoStar = 2,
[DescriptionAttribute("3 Stars")] ThreeStar = 3,
[DescriptionAttribute("4 Stars")] FourStar = 4
The solution given in the prior link will show "OneStar" in the text field of a drop down, whereas I'd want to see "1 Star". I've seen a few posts relating to this, but their solutions are quite verbose.
The best solution I found for this was combining this blog with this answer. This makes both the view and model very readable and maintainable.
See my full answer here.
You may try something among the lines: