Ok, I've created a c# dll, made all its interface and methods all ComVisible(true). Added it to the GAC using gacutil, then registered it using regasm and created a type library tlb file.
Now I have another c# project that I want to make calls to that com object, how can I do this? What would the code roughly look like to import the com object then use its calls?
Step 1: Create a Runtime-Callable-Wrapper. There are two ways
Method 1: using TlbImp to Generate RCW
using this way is using the default .NET-Interop Marshalling, sometimes (Meaning when it does not work) you need to change the marshalling by perform the additional steps
Method 2: Manually create a C++/Cli project serves as a wrapper for the COM server
Step 2: C# Code
Reference the RCW and use the following code to connect to the COM Server
The moment your C# component becomes a COM qualified component, it also starts behaving like a qualified ActiveX component.
So an easy way out to test the COM calls will be to write a simple HTML page with JavaScript code as given below:
If you are able to invoke the methods like this without any errors, it means your COM calls are working perfect.
Thanks and Regards
Anugrah Atreya
First of all, why do you want to call that C# Assembly (that you've made comvisible) in your other C# project via COM ? That is not necessary ...
Ontopic: If you've created a tlb file, then you shouldn't do anything special. You can just reference the 'runtime callable wrapper' of the c#assembly you've created.