I have an issue with PDO that I'd really like to get an answer for after being plagued by it for quite some time.
Take this example:
I am binding an array of ID's to a PDO statement for use in a MySQL IN statement.
The array would be say: $values = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8);
The database-safe variable would be $products = implode(',' $values);
So, $products would then be a STRING with a value of: '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8'
The statement would look like:
SELECT users.id
FROM users
JOIN products
ON products.user_id = users.id
WHERE products IN (:products)
Of course, $products would be bound to the statement as :products.
However, when the statement is compiled and values bound, it would actually look like this:
SELECT users.id
FROM users
JOIN products
ON products.user_id = users.id
WHERE products IN ('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8')
The problem is it is executing everything inside of the IN statement as a single string, given that I've prepared it as comma-separated values to bind to the statement.
What I actually need is:
SELECT users.id
FROM users
JOIN products
ON products.user_id = users.id
WHERE products IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
The only way I can actually do this is by placing the values within the string itself without binding them, however I know for certain there has to be an easier way to do this.
Here is an example of binding an unknown number of record columns to values for an insert.
A good way to handle this situation is to use
to place a?
for every value in the SQL query. Then you can pass the array of values (in your case$values
) as the argument to execute:This way you get more benefit from using prepared statements rather than inserting the values directly into the SQL.
PS - The results will return duplicate user ids if the products with the given ids share user ids. If you only want unique user ids I suggest changing the first line of the query to
you need to provide same number of ?s in IN as the number of values in your $values array
this can be done easily by creating an array of ?s as
and use this $in array in your IN clause
THis will dynamically provide you with tailor made array of ?s as per your changiing $values array
If the expression is based on user input without binding the values with bindValue(), experimental SQL might not be a great choice. But, you can make it safe by checking the syntax of the input with MySQL's REGEXP.
For example:
Please try like this:
The best prepared statement you could probably come up with in a situation like this is something resembling the following:
You would then loop through your values and bind them to the prepared statement making sure that there are the same number of question marks as values you are binding.