For a pivot table (pt1) on Sheet1, I use VBA to change the value of a filter field (filterfield) using the code below. Let's say values for field can be A, B or C
Sheets("Sheet1").PivotTables("pt1").PivotFields("filterfield").CurrentPage = "A"
Occasionally, and let's say randomonly for the purposes of this question, A, B or C will not be a valid selection for filterfield. When VBA attempts to change the field, it throws a run-time error. I want to avoid this.
How can I check if my values are valid for filterfield before I run the code above? I would like to avoid using On Error and VBA does not have try/catch functionality..
If you want to have a helper function and do this without looping values you may use visual basic OnErrorResumeNext trick.
You can iterate through the
and check theName
against your test.Relevant data shows that a match should exist and indeed it returns