I use a WebView
in my app. When the app is not connected to the internet I want to serve the site locally. I was able to build the APK
and install the app onto my device, but when I start the app offline, it is just showing the body PHP
, but it did not call/load the CSS
File or include the PHP
Directory structure in Android Studio :
This is my MainActivity
public class Callback extends WebViewClient{
public void onReceivedError(WebView view, int errorCode, String description, String failingUrl){
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "No Internet Access!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
This is my "No Internet" page
<!-- Navigation Bar -->
<?php include 'assets\inc\navmobpage.php'; ?>
<!-- Page Content -->
<div class="container" align="center" style="background-color: white;padding-top: 50px;">
<img src="assets\img\nointernet.png" width="100%" />
<a class="btref" href="http://xx.xx.xx">REFRESH</a>
<?php include 'assets\inc\footmob.php'; ?>
<!-- Bootstrap core JavaScript -->
<script src="assets\general\jquery\jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="assets\general\bootstrap\js\bootstrap.bundle.min.js"></script>
Android does not ship with a
server. Therefore for all common intents and purposes, it is not possible to serve a.php
file locally.You would need to rewrite your offline page to function without any
code.I assume the
you refer to is also part of thePHP
include and therefore is not loading for the same reason.