My team were working with access 2000, where we have our MDB project. This application(ERP) could open around 20 access forms. After we decide migrate our entire system to Access 2010 to its new format, *.accdb; we are having this trouble with less memory, around 100mb nowadays.
Is there any workaround, any path i could follow to increase my access 2010 project memory limit.
Problem's Flow: We put login and password in the initial form, and start opening forms(form from access forms, literally). When around 10 forms, the memory used by acess 2010 reachs 107mb, and when we open the next form, the system crash with the following error: "3035 Description System resource exceeded"
Building off of the VM tracking code provided by Mint, I've made a sort of 'Early warning' system for my application that warns you when the VM is approaching a point where it'll start causing problems and recommend a reboot. It's slightly annoying, but until someone comes up with a better solution to 32-Bit Office running in a 64-Bit OS environment, it'll have to do.
ReturnVM: Returns the Virtual Memory usage in GB, triggers alert if it's over 1.425GB. I've found that this works for my application giving as much time between restarts while still allowing some leeway to finish work before restarting. Feel free to adjust as needed.
os_Restart: Writes a batch file that kills the active Access process, deletes the leftover laccdb file and restarts the application (provided everything's on the user's desktop). After writing the file, it executes the batch. Another function deletes this file on application start.
TempVars!tv_WinUID = Environ("USERNAME")
The issue is caused by 32 bit Access exceeding the 32 bit windows Virtual Memory limit of 2GB per app. I don't know why this issue does not crop up on Windows XP (didn't have time to test it).
You can track VM usage either through Performance Monitor or through code in the access app. You will see that as forms open the VM usage creeps up until access balks.
The solution is to switch to Access 64 bit on windows 64bit. Keep in mind that if you have external dll calls they need to be rewritten for 64 bit. Also ActiveX controls need to be 64 bit.
Code to track VM
After months of frustration I have found a cause and a solution for this in both Access 2010 and Access 2013. Having Skype loaded in the background when running the program was causing the "System resource exceeded error" during both large queries and compact and repair.
If you still have problems run in windows xp compatibility mode
This may help as did for me: Activate system managed paging on all your drives. For this,
Example Screenshot