iOS7 App Submission - with only 2x (retina) images

2020-04-12 09:01发布

I'm currently developing an application for iPhone with iOS7, only. From what I read, for iPhone with iOS7, there is no support for older devices than iPhone4. If that's the case, when it comes to images, all I need is retina images (@2x).

Can I submit to the App Store, an app with only retina images, since the app's minimal requirement is retina devices ?

Thank you.

2楼-- · 2020-04-12 09:24

Possible duplicate of Can I dump my non-Retina Images for a iOS7 only app?

Anyway, as long as I know you don't need @2x version of your images as long as you don't support old displays, but remember that your images as to be double width and height, then if you have a 100x100px UIImageView, you need to load a 200x200px image to meet retina resolution.

EDIT: To explain in deep.

Actually, iPad 2 and iPad mini 1st generation run iOS 7 and doesn't have retina display. Anyway using @2x images it is not mandatary. You can just use double size images and set your UIImageViews' contentMode to UIViewContentModeScaleToFill to fit your needs.

PROS -> smaller bundle

CONS -> worst performaces

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