I'm starting to do a lot of Java EE dev work. Is it ok to install Java EE on my home machine instead of a JRE?
Also, can GlassFish run on a JRE or does it need Java EE?
I'm starting to do a lot of Java EE dev work. Is it ok to install Java EE on my home machine instead of a JRE?
Also, can GlassFish run on a JRE or does it need Java EE?
You still need a JRE (Java Runtime Environment). Actually, you really need a JDK (Java Development Kit) so you can compile.
GlashFish includes the Java EE libraries. It runs on a JRE or JDK. If you are using JSPs, you have to run GlassFish against a JDK (because JSP technology does code generation/compilation at run-time.
Java EE is an abstract API. GlassFish is one of the available concrete Java EE implementations. The Java EE download from Oracle.com is basically just GlassFish along with some documentation/examples and optionally also NetBeans. So if you download Java EE from Oracle.com, you've already GlassFish :)
It only requires a Java SE JDK (not just JRE!) already on your machine which has to be downloaded and installed separately. If you intend to develop with JSF, you may find this tutorial useful as well. It covers installing JDK, GlassFish and Eclipse from the zero beginning in detail.
See also: