I have django Final and I am using Python 2.7
In my setting, I have 'sqlite3' filled for the DATABASE_ENGINE. I am able to work with the sqlite3 (at the level of djano manage.py shell) until I am told that I need to access
python manage.py dbshell
At first I got the error "sqlite3 is not recognized...." Then I read threads and I found that this can be solved by downloading the exe file and set the environment variable path on Windows (I am on XP Pro)
I used this approach instead http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/msg/cf0665c227030ae2?
Now when I access python manage.py dbshell, I am getting
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnWong\workspace\mysite\mysite>python
manage.py dbsh
sqlite3: Error: too many options: "Settings\JohnWong\workspace\mysite
Use -help for a list of options.
I tried with --database=name_of_my_db and still no luck
Any input is appreciated. Thanks
The asker answered his own question here.
The root problem (still there in django 1.3.1) is that the code that execs the sqlite3 client doesn't deal with spaces in the sqlite db pathname. I added some quotes as follows:
and it now works for me (only tested Windows - os.name 'nt').