I'm writing a script that runs an external program, and after a while terminates it, the relevant code section looks like this:
Set objshell=createObject("Wscript.Shell")
objShell.run ""app.exe""
objShell.run ""app.exe""
strWmiq = "select * from Win32_Process where name='app.exe'"
Set objQResult = objWmi.Execquery(strWmiq)
For Each objProcess In objQResult
intRet = objProcess.Terminate(1)
What I want to do is to close each of the instances of app.exe
after different sleep times, any ideas how to do that?
Use WScript.Shell's .Exec method to get a WshScriptExec objects for each session/run/instance of app.exe and .Terminate them at your leisure (and risk). See Terminate Method (WshScriptExec)