In an table I have the following.
ParameterID (int) ParameterValue (XML)
------------ --------------
1 <USER><User ID="1" Name="Billy"/><USER>
<USER><User ID="2" Name="Billy"/><USER>
<MANAGER><User ID="1" Name="Billy"/><MANAGER>
2 <USER><User ID="1" Name="John"/><USER>
<USER><User ID="2" Name="Billy"/><USER>
<MANAGER><User ID="1" Name="Billy"/><MANAGER>
3 <USER><User ID="1" Name="David"/><USER>
<USER><User ID="2" Name="Billy"/><USER>
<MANAGER><User ID="1" Name="Billy"/><MANAGER>
How do I modify all instances of Billy to be Peter?
I tried
-- Update the table
SET ParameterValue.modify('replace value of (//User/@Name[.="Billy"])[1] with "Peter"')
But only the first Billy in the row was updated.
Running the update multiple times:
For Row 1:
1st Time = 1 <USER><User ID="1" Name="Peter"/><USER> <USER><User ID="2" Name="Billy"/><USER> <MANAGER><User ID="1" Name="Billy"/><MANAGER>
2nd Time 1 <USER><User ID="1" Name="Peter"/><USER> <USER><User ID="2" Name="Peter"/><USER> <MANAGER><User ID="1" Name="Billy"/><MANAGER>
3rd Time 1 <USER><User ID="1" Name="Peter"/><USER> <USER><User ID="2" Name="Peter"/><USER> <MANAGER><User ID="1" Name="Peter"/><MANAGER>
The "simple" approach would be to cast the XML column to VARCHAR(MAX) and just simply do a REPLACE on it:
It almost seems like you cannot do an update of multiple XML node values in a single UPDATE statement, as Richard Szalay explains here:
Unfortunately, it appears that the implementation is horribly limited in that it cannot make an arbitrary number of modifications to the same value in a single update.
So I guess you'll either have to use the "dumb" VARCHAR(MAX) approach mentioned above, or do the update in a loop (WHILE you still find a node with "billy", UPDATE that node to read "Peter" instead).
I ended up using a cursor to do the update
Used the update in marcs answer in the cursor in a while loop