I am using Entity Framework 4 to provide the model for a ASP.NET MVC3 / Razor2 web application. I am using DataAnnotations to implement validation. I need to limit some dates to the range accepted by the SQL smalldatetime type.
My problem is that I can't get the RangeAttribute to work correctly for a date field. The model metadata definition for the field in question is:
[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Resources.Patient), Name = "DateOfBirth_Name")]
[DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:d}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)]
[Range(typeof(DateTime), "01/01/1900", "06/06/2079", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources.Patient), ErrorMessageResourceName = "DateOfBirth_Range")]
public System.DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
With this code, whatever value I put into the date field, it is treated as invalid by the application. In case its' relevant, I am using the JQuery-UI date picker with the field in question as well.
Can anyone help please?
You do not specify where the error occurs, but my guess is that it is client-side(?) jQuery Validation does not work well with the
. To verify, disable jQuery Validation and the valid input should pass the (server) validation.To get around this you will have to write your own date range validation, e.g. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/stuartleeks/archive/2011/01/25/asp-net-mvc-3-integrating-with-the-jquery-ui-date-picker-and-adding-a-jquery-validate-date-range-validator.aspx
Alternatively you could look into packages such as Data Annotations Extensions or MVC Foolproof Validation to see if they could be used for solving the problem.