TextView with background color and line spacing

2019-01-15 13:47发布

I'd like to show the text like the below...

enter image description here

My coding is the following:

SpannableString sText = new SpannableString(text);
sText.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(Color.YELLOW), 0, sText.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);

holder.txtText.setLineSpacing(0, 1.5f);

2楼-- · 2019-01-15 14:10

It has been a long time but I'll put the static method below. Hopefully it will help another.

public static void setTextWithSpan(final TextView textView, int backgroundColor, String text, float lineSpacingMultiplier) {
    class BackgroundColorSpanWithPaddingAndLineSpacing implements LineBackgroundSpan {
        private float roundedCornerSize;
        private int backgroundColor;
        private int paddingSize;
        private RectF rect;

        private BackgroundColorSpanWithPaddingAndLineSpacing(int backgroundColor, int paddingSize, float roundedCornerSize) {
            this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
            this.paddingSize = paddingSize;
            this.roundedCornerSize = roundedCornerSize;
            this.rect = new RectF();

        public void drawBackground(Canvas c, Paint p, int left, int right, int top, int baseline, int bottom, CharSequence text, int start, int end, int currentLineNumber) {
            final int textWidth = Math.round(p.measureText(text, start, end));
            final int paintColor = p.getColor();

            rect.set(left - paddingSize / 2, top - paddingSize / 4, left + textWidth + paddingSize / 2, top + textView.getTextSize() + paddingSize / 2);
            c.drawRoundRect(rect, roundedCornerSize, roundedCornerSize, p);

    int padding = textView.getPaddingLeft();
    int radius = padding / 2;

    SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder(text);
    BackgroundColorSpanWithPaddingAndLineSpacing backgroundSpan = new BackgroundColorSpanWithPaddingAndLineSpacing(backgroundColor, padding, radius);
    builder.setSpan(backgroundSpan, 0, text.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);

    textView.setShadowLayer(padding, 0, 0, 0);
    textView.setLineSpacing(0, lineSpacingMultiplier);

    textView.setText(builder, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE);

Usage :

SpanUtils.setTextWithSpan(titleTv, android.graphics.Color.BLUE, textStr, 1.4f);

I'm sure you'll manage to modify according to your needs.

3楼-- · 2019-01-15 14:17

You can use lineSpacingExtra or lineSpacingMultiplier in your XML file. You can find it here: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/TextView.html#attr_android%3alineSpacingExtra

And for background color you can use:

4楼-- · 2019-01-15 14:21

try this. Create custom TextView and override method draw(Canvas canvas).

public class BgColorTextView extends TextView {
    public BgColorTextView(Context context) {

    public BgColorTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public BgColorTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);

    public BgColorTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);

    public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
        int lineCount = getLayout().getLineCount();
        Rect rect = new Rect();
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
            rect.top = (getLayout().getLineTop(i));
            rect.left = (int) getLayout().getLineLeft(i);
            rect.right = (int) getLayout().getLineRight(i);
            rect.bottom = (int) (getLayout().getLineBottom(i) - ((i + 1 == lineCount) ? 0 : getLayout().getSpacingAdd()));

            canvas.drawRect(rect, paint);
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