Noticed this today.
Given that a file named "existing" exists in the PWD of a java process (windows).
new File("existing").exists() => true
new File("", "existing").exists() => false
new File(".", "existing").exists() => true
I would have anticipated, from the javadoc that the system dependent default directory would be "." and these all be true, so this unexpected.
There's no mention of what the default directory is.
The two argument constructor expects a parent directory name, so your second line looks for a file whose relative path is "/existing". On a linux type system, "/" is the root (as far as I know), so /existing is very unlikely to exist. On windows, I'm not sure what it interprets that as by default, but if I open up a command line and say
cd /Desktop
(working directory being my user folder) it says it can't find the path specified.This is what's happening. But I agree because this is confusing
I have no idea why this is the case because I had assumed it would also be pwd for the first one.
I remember encountering this many moons ago, so I did some digging in the actual source. Here is the relevant source documentation from
So, the non-obvious behavior appears to be due to legacy reasons.
Remember that "" is NOT the same as null. Thusly
does not assume the . directory. As @Dylan Halperin said, on Linux using "" directs to the root / directory, as I found using this code:
Yes, I had created a file named "f1" in the working directory.