I found this thread here: http://www.sqlteam.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=16836 I have exactly the same problem. Quote:
Rob Pearmain writes "I have 3 tables that hold questions.
Table 1 : Question
Field : ID (Unique) Field : Name (Text)
Table 2 : Question Text (References Table1-ID)
Field : ID (Unique) Field : QuestionID (integer ref to Table1 ID) Field : Text
Table 3 : Options
Field : ID (Unique) Field : QuestionTextID (integer ref to Table2 ID) Field : Text
Say for example, I create a question with 2 Question text records and 5 option records. If I wanted to duplicate that question to a new question, and copy over the Question Text records to new ID's, and all the related options, how can I do this easily (As the duplicate question will have a new ID, each of the duplicated question text's will have new ID's as will each of the options)."
The suggested solution is:
create procedure CopyQuestion
@idtocopy int
declare @tempquestionid
declare @tempquestiontextid
declare @questiontextid
insert into question (name)
select name from question where id = @idtocopy
select @tempquestionid = @@identity
declare question_cursor cursor for
select id from [question text] where id = @idtocopy
open question_cursor
fetch next from question_cursor into @questiontextid
while @@fetch_status = 0
insert into [question text] (questionid, text)
select @tempquestionid, text from [question text] where id = @questiontextid
select @tempquestiontextid = @@identity
insert into [options] (questiontextid, text)
select @tempquestiontextid, text from [options] where questiontextid = @questiontextid
fetch next from question_cursor into @questiontextid
close question_cursor
deallocate question_cursor
Is there a better solution to this problem? I will use an insert trigger. Thanks!
You can use the merge statement with the output clause to get a match between the old and new id in questionText. This is described in this question Using merge..output to get mapping between source.id and target.id.
In your case the code would look something like this. The code is not tested so there might be any number of typos in there but it shows what you can do.
This is another way to do the same thing a little bit more set based. In my below example I used a temp table to map the IDs between the two new tables. Also please remove spaces from your table names (just because you can doesn't mean you should).