#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Client paho-mqtt MqttServer
# main.py
import paho.mqtt.publish as publish
from json import dumps
from ssl import PROTOCOL_TLSv1
import urllib2
class MqttClient():
host = 'mqtt.xyz.com'
port = '1883'
auth = {}
topic = '%s/streams'
tls = None
def __init__(self, auth, tls=None):
self.auth = auth
self.topic = '%s/streams' % auth['username']
if tls:
self.tls = tls
self.port = '8883'
def publish(self, msg):
publish.single (topic=self.topic,payload=msg,hostname=self.host,
except Exception, ex:
print ex
if __name__ == '__main__':
auth = {'username': 'your username', 'password': ''}
#tls_dict = {'ca_certs': 'ca_certs.crt', 'tls_version': PROTOCOL_TLSv1} # sslvers.
msg_dict={'protocol':'v2','device':'Development Device','at':'now','data':{'temp':21,'hum':58}}
client_mqtt =MqttClient(auth=auth) # non ssl version
#client_mqtt =MqttClient(auth=auth, tls=tls_dict) # ssl version
I guess my organization's proxy settings are blocking the request, so please guide me in including the proxy settings in the above code.
For instance if address is 'proxy.xyz.com' and port number is '0000' and my network username is 'xyz' and password is 'abc'
I solved it while using a
proxy and using PySocksYou haven't mentioned what sort of proxy you are talking about, but assuming you want to use a HTTP proxy.
You can not use a HTTP proxy to forward raw MQTT traffic as the two protocols are not compatible.
If the broker you want to connect to supports MQTT over Websockets then you should be able connect vai a modern HTTP proxy, but this will not work with the code you have posted.
Your code should something as follow