I'm trying to capture the scroll event within a Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView, but without success.
As an exercise, I'm rewriting http://www.atinux.fr/backbone-books/ using Backbone.Marionette. As you can see, when you scroll down, more books are fetched and displayed (i.e. infinite scroll). However, I'm unable to capture the scroll event on my view.
Here's my (simplified) code:
LibraryView = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
// properties, initializer, etc.
events: {
'scroll': 'loadMoreBooks',
'click': 'loadMoreBooks'
// some functions
loadMoreBooks: function(){
The full source code can be seen here: https://github.com/davidsulc/backbone.marionette-atinux-books/blob/scroll/assets/javascript/app.js#L86-89
What I don't understand is that the "click" event is being triggered properly, but the "scroll" event isn't. What am I doing wrong?
Edit: so the error was pretty simple in the end... I was passing "el: #content" to the view's contructor, but the scroll was defined in CSS on ".library". So once I changed my DOM from
<div id="content">
<div class="library">
<div id="content" class="library"></div>
everything worked properly...
This code works for me:
Check the jsFiddle
As @JoshLeitzel said I think the issue is in the DOM element it self.
Try to by-pass Backbone doing:
Also try to replace:
I don't think this is the issue but is the new style of
definition :)I don't know what your
is, but I suspect it's something that does not receive thescroll
event. Since Backbone delegates event handling to jQuery, have a look at what jQuery says about thescroll
event:Unless your
satisfies those conditions, it will not receive thescroll
event. You will have to put the event handler onwindow
or some other element that does receive it.Backbone attaches to the top el element to look for all events. Some DOM events are not bubbled to parent elements and this includes scroll. The click event worked because it does bubble.
Ref: http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20090908/#event-type-scroll