I updated Xcode to the last version, and now when I'm trying to compile the project I'm getting an error "Invalid bitcode signature", hovewer, the bitcode for my project is disabled. How can I fix it? What should I change to sign my bitcode correctly?
My Podfile:
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'MyProjectName' do
pod 'Realm'
pod 'CorePlot'
pod 'GoogleMaps'
I checked already, everything is fine with it.
This kind of problem came up when I linked a new static library project to my workspace. In order to solve it I tried to set both the Build Active Architecture Only and the Bitcode settings of the library to NO but no luck. Then I got across the thing that the library's Deployment Target was set to 11.0 as Xcode set the latest value to all new projects. After fixing the setting to 5.0 the problem was solved.
In my case, the widget included in the project was causing the bitcode error.
I changed my pod file from this:
to this:
On my case problem occured because of I was using a 3rd party static library with different files for each architecture
I fixed the problem by removing binaries of invalid architectures. Instead I added a multi-arch FAT binary for the 3rd party static library
Hope helps
I'm not sure if you have the same situation with me. I only have this issue when I tried to test with iPhone device. It turns out that the debug configuration with Build Active Architecture Only is set to NO. After I set to YES, I can test with my iPhone.
I found that my issue was with using 'Modules'.
Just turned off modules (had to update some header files), but that resolved my issue.
Enable Modules In Settings
For my case, the solution was removing a c++ library.