I know about Application.CutCopyMode, but that only returns the state of the CutCopyMode (False, xlCopy, or xlCut).
How do I return the address of the currently copied range in Excel using VBA? I don't need the currently selected range (which is Application.Selection.Address). I need the address of the range of cells with the moving border (marching ants) around it.
In other words, if you select a range of cells, hit CTRL+C, and then move the selection to another cell, I need the address of the cells that were selected when the user hit CTRL+C.
When you copy a Range, the address is copied to the Clipboard along with other formats. You can check that with Clipboard Viewer application. So if you need the copied Range, get it from Clipboard. It will be something like> $A2:$B5 or similar
I think you can use this method https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/Excel.Application.OnKey
This method assigns a function to the hot key Ctrl+C, every time this combination is used, the function will be triggered and you can get the address of the range.
10 years later you still can't refer directly to a copied
(shown by the "marching ants border" aka "dancing border", "moving border").
But you can get its address by copying the cells as link to a temporary worksheet. There you can collect the desired range's address.
The code also works with multiranges and also if the copied range and the selected range are on different sheets.
As far as I know you can't do that with vba. You can however code your own copy sub and store the source in a global variable.
Something like this:
The only way i can think of doing this is tracking the last range selected with a global variable and then waiting until you think a copy action is done. Unfortunately neither is easy.
The following is a quick attempt that has two problems;
This is one of those last hope tricks when tracking events that don't really exist. Hope this helps.
Oh and excuse the wierd comments ''# they're just there to help the syntax highlighter of SO.