I am executing the following gnuplot script:
set title "Efficiency scatter plot"
set xlabel "perf_1"
set ylabel "secondary report"
set log x
set log y
set xrange [0.1:40.0]
set yrange [0.1:40.0]
set terminal png medium
set output "./graph1.png"
set size square
set multiplot
set pointsize 0.3
set style line 6 pt 6
set datafile separator ","
set border 3
set xtics nomirror
set ytics nomirror
plot '/tmp/data.csv' using 3:1 with points pt 1 lt 3 lc var title "perf_20140113131309", \
'/tmp/data.csv' using 3:2 with points pt 1 lt 1 lc var title "perf_1"
plot x notitle
plot 2*x notitle
plot 0.5*x notitle
obtaining the following error message
"script.gnuplot", line 20: Not enough columns for variable color
Could you please guide me in order to find what I am doing wrong.
By the way the gnuplot version is '4.6 patchlevel 3' the data.csv files used is
Thanks in advance!
That means, that you need to specify one more column in your
statement: The first one is thex
-coordinate, the second one they
-coordinate. The one for the variable line color is missing.Use e.g.
to use the row number (zeroth column) as
index. You can also use e.g.linecolor palette
so select the color from the currently defined color palette.