I have the following loop structure:
while ($reader.Read() -eq $true)
$row = @{}
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $reader.FieldCount; $i++)
#continue with while
#do more stuff...
Now, is there any way to continue from within the for
loop with the next iteration of the outer while
loop without any break-variable? So if "something is true" I do not want to go #do more stuff
but instead do the next $reader.read()
. Continue
only goes to the next iteration of the for
loop. Break
will only break the for
EDIT: a revised, recursive (and untested!) solution so your millage may vary:
Factoring out the inner loop to a function could improve readability, depending on how tangled up your variables are.
But if you want to do this directly, you can, because PowerShell has labeled breaks: