I am developing a mobile application using phonegap that store some data into the local database (sqlite DB). I need to know if the database exist or not, and that to determine which process need to execute.
var database = window.openDatabase("my_db", "1.0", "sample DB", 30000);
if (check_db_exist()) {
I don't think that you can check for the existence of the DB directly. I've researched and haven't found a way to do it using a simple function call. However, this seems to be a popular request, and here's a workaround:
As you can see, the error function during the first query will create and populate the DB. It's using exception handling for program logic flow, but it works!
The best way for determining if the DB exists or not is to check if the file that represents it exists. This is a simple IO operation, like the following example:
string path = Path.Combine(ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path, databaseName);
if (File.Exists(path))
//your code here
I needed to do something similar, I needed to check if the application had a db already created (legacy DB) and if so export all the data to the new db (new and improved DB) and then delete this DB.
Background Info: I was moving from simple keyvalue tables to complex relational DB with cascades etc.
Note: If file exists (success), then we need to do our export code in here, then delete file so this method will always fail. If file doesn't exist - user has already exported to new DB or they our new user and never had legacy DB.
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