I have a simple MS Access form that has 3 objects: a text box, a list box, and a button. The intended use of the form is as follows: the user enters a name in the text box, selects an item from the list box, then clicks the button to add the data to a table.
However, when I click on the button, I keep getting the error message, "You can't reference property or a method for a control unless the control has the focus."
Below is my code. Thanks!
Private Sub addRecord_button_Click()
Dim CustomerName As String
Dim CustomerType As String
On Error GoTo Errhandler
CustomerName = "[name not selected]"
CustomerType = "[type not selected]"
CustomerName = Customer_TextBox.Text
Select Case Type_ListBox.ListIndex
Case 0
CustomerType = "Type 1"
Case 1
CustomerType = "Type 2"
Case 2
CustomerType = "Type 3"
End Select
'MsgBox ("Name: " & CustomerName & " and Type: " & CustomerType)
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO Customer VALUES (CustomerName, CustomerType);"
MsgBox ("The following error has occured: " & Err & " - " & Error(Err))
End Sub
property can only be used when the TextBox has focus. Try using the.Value
property instead.Try replacing the below line