I need to yield a list for a function; however, I want to yield the list from within a callback function, which itself is inside the main function - this results in the yield statement not executing for the main function, but rather for the callback function.
My problem is very similar to the problem that was solved here: Dart Component: How to return result of asynchronous callback? but I cannot use a Completer because I need to yield and not return.
The code below should describe the problem better:
Stream<List<EventModel>> fetchEvents() async* { //function [1]
.listen((snapshot) async* { //function [2]
List<EventModel> list = List();
snapshot.documents.forEach((document) {
yield list; //This is where my problem lies - I need to yield for function [1] not [2]
Instead of
which handles events inside another function you can useawait for
to handle events inside the outer function.Separately - you might want to reconsider the pattern when you yield
instances that are still getting populated inside an inner stream callback...