Being new to Android developent I followed the simplest of tutorials, built a new android project, accepting all default settings (built it for kitkat). To my dismay I have an un-planned project - appcompat_v7
, along with the errors:
The container 'Android Dependencies' references non existing library 'C:\Users...\workspace\appcompat_v7\bin\appcompat_v7.jar'
and twice the following
The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved
Is there a quick way to fix these? Is this a sign of how difficult, and bugged with unpleasant surprises learning Android is going to be?
(Hope it will not be similar to learning IOS 6 years ago...)
Appcompat_7 error solved!
Hi, im a complete beginner, i solved my problem by go to SDK manager update/install all the new android sdk build tools (as im not sure which is which i should update/install so i update/install all the build tools. after updated/installed all the new build tools i closed my eclipse and relaunch the eclipse again. if you see any error again? go to the top bar click PROJECT and choose CLEAN. and run your application again and i think it will work fine..
I had the same problem and I tried all of mentionded above advices and much more from, but no one helped me to solve my issue. My solution was creating a progect with minimum required SDK API 14: Android 4.0 (IceCreamSandwich). Doing this way Eclipse will not create appcompat_v7 project.
Also I found another, better, solution:
The accepted answer worked for me but only after I'd installed the latest Java JDK (which was a solution to the problem detailed here Android - "Parsing Data for android-21 failed")
I solved it by downloading the file manually somewhere on the internet (be careful) and putting it into the needed
folder before creating a new Android project. After that, also
file was generated successfully.Honestly, no other way seemed to fix it. Could not obtain the file via the SDK manager.
Strange fix but this worked for me ( My minimum SDK for my project is 10 - can't use 14)
This solved it for me.
I was having with same Issue and fed up but finally I got the answer . I resolved this by Copy appcompat library E:\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702\sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat and paste appcompat Library in the the Project which I want to Import . I close the Eclipse and reopen. But One thing I want to consider before these stuff I updated Android Support Repository and Android Support Library as well.