After right-click --> new Batch Drawable Import and selecting any .png from the Select Image Asset(s) box, the primary Batch Drawable Importer box remains empty (ie: the selection was ignored!).
First 2 lines of Event Log:
at de.mprengemann.intellij.plugin.androidicons.util.AndroidFacetUtils.getResourcesRoot(
So apparently Android Drawable Importer is fundamentally broken under the more recent AS / intellij versions.
I downloaded and re-installed to no effect. This plugin was last built in 2016.
This leaves me stuck, because the new Android Studio Resource Manager Import Drawables function does not allow me to pick an external 256x256 .png and then automatically resize for mdpi, hdpi, xdhpi etc.
I have noted the issue (see comment).
Any circumventions or alternatives?
There were multiple issues preventing operation of this plugin in later releases of Android Studio.
Forked, fixed and tested under Android Studio 3.6 RC 1.
Guinea pigs may download the plugin installation zip from here.
( AS -> Settings -> Plugins -> Install from disk )
Tip: Uninstall the old version beforehand.