My layout contains buttons, textviews, etc. Is it possible to implement pinch zoom in my layout?
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I implemented a pinch zoom for my
, using this tutorial. The resulting code is this:and in onCreate():
Magic constants 1.1 and 0.95 were chosen empirically (using
variable for this purpose made myTextView
behave kind of weird).For android 2.2+ (api level8), you can use ScaleGestureDetector.
you need a member:
in your constructor (or onCreate()) you add:
You override onTouchEvent:
If you draw your View by hand, in the onScale() you probably do store the scale factor in a member, then call invalidate() and use the scale factor when drawing in your onDraw(). Otherwise you can directly modify font sizes or things like that in the onScale().
I have an open source library that does this very well. It's a four gesture library that comes with an out-of-the-box pan zoom setting. You can find it here: Or you can download the demo app here: This is a pure canvas library so it can be used in pretty any scenario. Hope this helps.
Check out the following links which may help you
Best examples are provided in the below links, which you can refactor to meet your requirements.
In honeycomb, API level 11, it is possible, We can use setScalaX and setScaleY with pivot point
I have explained it here
Zooming a view completely
Pinch Zoom to view completely
I have created a project for basic pinch-zoom that supports Android 2.1+
Available here