I get this error when I post from TinyMCE in an ASP.NET MVC view.
Request Validation has detected a potentially dangerous client input value, and processing of the request has been aborted
From googling, it says to just add a validateRequest in the Page directive at the top which I did, but I STILL get this error. As you can see, below is my code in the view:
<%@ Page validateRequest="false" Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage" %>
Annoyingly in version 4 of tinymce they seem to have removed the encoding: xml option.
I ended up using a javascript HTML encoding function from this answer, and on my submit button I encode the contents of the textarea before the form submits, by using tinymce's getContent and setContent methods
Use the decorator
.You will then want to write a HTMLEncode method to make it safe.
Let me know if you want me to post the one I use.
Added the Encode I use
Try using the
attribute in your model.Try this solution. simply add to TinyMce control
I had the same problem. I didn't want to disable ASP.NET MVC validation feature, so I kept looking until I reached this solution:
At the tinyMCE plugin code encode your content (I'm using the older version)
And after this I didn't get any more the application validation error. Then I came up with another problem when I edited my form the code would come up with the html tags
instead of this
My input value
So, I had to decode the html for that field when getting my values at the Controller, like this: