I already get the Google map API key to run on the emulator, but when I run the program on real android device, the Map
doesn't show up.
I've read some of the solution that said that I have to get the release key from Google, but the solution doesn't tell me HOW can I get those key
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Generate a new
, get aApi key
again and use the new key.It is not only about the Android app keystore or the Android Maps API Key. It is a combination of both. We need the keystore when we want to sign a App.
The way you can sign a App is as follow; (I am giving instructions by assuming that you are working with Eclipse IDE)
Then you can finish creating a signed key for your app. Next procedure is Android Maps API Key Signup process. Here I am assume that you are doing implementation in a Windows environment
Give the MD5 key on the appropriate place, provide the tick. Then the Google people will provide you a XML code. You have to insert that code in the XML file where you need to load the map.
Bingo... now you have created an App which support Google map API that runs on a emulator as well as real device. :-)