I'm trying to set up an Excel VBA code that opens up some .csv files and split into columns the information contained and delimited by the character |
. I manage to open the file but the code I use opens my files without splitting the text according to the delimiter. So far I have tried the following code:
Sub OpenCSV()
Dim wkbTemp As Workbook
Dim sPath As String, sName As String
sPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\CSV_Files\"
sName = "Test.csv"
Set wkbTemp = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=sPath & sName, Format:=6, Delimiter:="|")
End Sub
I think this should help you.
I tried doing this. It doesn't work. But if you try doing the same on a text file(by copy pasting the csv contents to a text file), it works.
If you look at MSDN Link , it specifically says that 'if it is a text file' in the description of 'Delimiter' parameter of 'workbooks.open' method. Maybe this is the reason that it is not working.
I am not sure. This is a new thing for me too. Hope this helps.
Rowan's solution actually does work. The key is replace the file name "Test.csv" in his solution with "Test.txt" in your "\CSV_Files\" location. The "Test.txt" should not be a comma separate value type. It should be a true TXT file type.
Check the file type in Windows Explorer. Make sure it is not CSV. If you use a CSV type you will be in fact telling Excel the data is parsed by a comma rather than the pipe delimiter.
If your workbook is in root: c:\ Create the directory: C:\CSV_Files Put the text file: Test.txt in the directory \CSV_Files
In your workbook open VBA and copy the full VBA code below.
The full VBA code should read:
Close VBA and run the macro.
I remember this has driven me insane some time back.
It seems that Excel has an uncontrolled greed for
files. If you just change the ending (.txt
or whatever), it will work!